How Bloggers Make Money | Make Money Online As A Blogger
I will share with you how bloggers make money. And I will tell you my own best ways to make money online as a blogger. So you can make money online with your website with different ways.
As a blogger, no money is guaranteed. It’s not like you’re receiving a paycheck every other week like you would in a part-time job, or a full-time job. And you definitely do not have a set income. You might not even know how much money you make every month, nonetheless every year. Your income is completely up in the air. And that’s exactly why I tell you. You need multiple income streams, you can’t just rely on ads. Or just rely on affiliate marketing. Because what happens when you go a few months you’re doing pretty well. You’re making like a couple hundred bucks, maybe like a thousand dollars, and that’s great. And then it drops down, and you’re not even reaching the payout.
You definitely need to have those other income streams there as a security blanket to make sure that you have your butt covered. Because your income is going to be all over the place. So today I want to share with you the best ways that I make money. And talk a little bit more about how bloggers make money. And how they get paid. Talk about payout points and all of that fun money stuff as a blogger.
Best Ways To Make Money Online As A Blogger:
Let’s quickly run through all the ways that I make money blogging:
Ads, like Google AdSense.
Affiliate marketing. I make money with affiliate marketing through a ShareASale. I do work with a few companies. Through ShareASale they are my affiliate marketing network for those companies. And then I also work directly with some companies for affiliate marketing as well.
Physical productivity planner that is sold.
Services. My freelancing work, so I do still work a little bit at Up Work. I am trying to move away from Up Work, and all of my other clients just work with me directly.
So let’s go back to the very first one and talk a little bit more about ads. Ads is not a consistent income stream that you can truly rely on, unless you have several thousand page views. And you’re working with another company other than Google Adsense. Let me just break it down for you. The money you make with ads is directly reliant on other people. You really do not have much control at all. It comes down to how many people land on your website, how many people view those ads, how long they view those ads, and how many people click on your ads.
The next thing we need to talk about is that payout point. Because each service and platform and income stream is a little bit different. And some have payout points that you need to reach to receive any money. And other ones don’t. So for Google Adsense you need to reach $100 before they will even pay you. It could take months and if I’m being completely honest, I have only ever received two payouts with Google Adsense. So I have only made a little over $200. In the almost three years that I have been blogging.
Now I will say a little disclaimer here. It is my personal preference. I definitely could be making more money with ads if I did the optimization that Google Adsense has as well as. Like 18 plus content. And if I put more ads on my website, I could be making more money. But I really care about my user experience. And I really care about my audience. I specifically choose not to do really invasive ads. And there’s a lot of pages on my website that don’t even have ads.
So I could be making more money that if I wanted to. But I don’t and that’s my personal preference and I realize that. But Google Adsense the payoff is $100.
You can read: How To Start A Blog And Make Money For Beginners
Affiliate Marketing:
For ShareASale the payout is $50. So let’s say that you’re a beginner and you’re so excited you meet your first affiliate sale. Maybe you made $10. That’s so awesome. But until you make the other $40, you are not actually going to receive that money. And it could take you months to receive that payout. And with some of the other companies that I work with for affiliate marketing, they have different payouts too. I think one of them is $30, another one is $100, and it really just depends.
So you have to pay attention to that payout. But you also have to pay attention to the payout date. And if you can receive money at any point in time. Because you’re making money, and it’s like it’s so awesome. Especially when you first get started making money. You feel great unless you hit that power point. And unless you reach that payout date that money is not really yours. And your money can sit in limbo for a long long time. Until you had that pale point and until you hit that payout date.
So let’s say that you reach that $100, you need to reach for Google Adsense. But it is on the 23rd. And Google Adsense doesn’t do their payouts until the 20th of every single month. It’s not like you can go in to view what Adsense and request your money immediately. You need to wait until that specific payout date. You need to wait yet another month to receive your money. And this is very, very common. Share a sale does the exact same thing, blurb does the exact same thing.
Payout Date:
So those platforms you really need to pay attention to what the payout date is. And with ShareASale I think it’s the 20th or the 21st of every single month. So you really need to know when you are getting paid. Because that could end up being a big factor in paying your bills.
Now when you do hit that payout amount and that payout date. How you get paid is going to be different for every single company and every platform. It is always different. Some will work through PayPal. So I know I did receive payment. Now ShareASale, I just have it directly deposited into my banking account. So everyone’s a little bit different. But you will receive payment I would say either through PayPal that’s pretty common. Or through your bank account.
Now with my services, full disclosure for you, I am working with up work. I have one client on up work. I am paid every other week by them and I do receive payment on certain payout dates. With up work you can request your money at any time once it is processed through the system. So, that money is fully yours. And that is directly deposited into your bank account. With all the clients that I work off of up work, I work directly with them. I either send invoices through PayPal or through my QuickBooks. And I do receive payment, typically within forty-eight hours.
So that is really the one sense of income. And I can rely on to receive immediately. Otherwise, there is a month, maybe two months, maybe even a year payout date on some of the other ones. Because I have to reach those payout points.
Now I’m sharing this based on my personal experiences. When it comes to making money blogging, there are so many options out there. And I truly believe that it is unlimited. So if you are looking for other options and ways of making money blogging. Go out there and do it. I know that a lot of bloggers or influencers are looking to get paid. To work with brands, to create content I cannot share my experience on that. Because I have not actually gotten paid to create content. I have received free products for content. Or I’ve done it in a sense where I use an affiliate link. And that’s how I make money through my content.
So I cannot share my experience on that. But what I can share my experience with is those payouts like we talked about, the payout dates and all of that other stuff that we just talked about.
So I hope you found this article helpful. And you learned a little bit more about the blogging world. And how bloggers actually make money online. If you like this article, make sure that you join our newsletter. Thanks for reading.