Best Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing | Free Traffic Sources

Salah Esnan
5 min readJan 17, 2021

In this article, I’m gonna be showing you step by step, the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing, that i’ve used for free. And how you can use them right for affiliate marketing.

If you don’t know how you can start with affiliate marketing. Read this article, Make Money Online – Make More Than $100 A Day Without A Website

1- Answering Questions On Quora:

Quora is a website where people come to ask questions. So let me say I’m looking for a way to make money online. I can come to quora and create an account. Then I’m going to ask the question “how can i make money online”. And people on quora who are answer questions, are going to answer question. They’re going to answer my question. People who know how to make money online.

So that’s what quora is. There’s a lot of traffic from quora. People on quora are coming asking stuff about weight loss for example. About softwares, about different things. And you can actually answer those people’s questions. Get in front of them and get them to use your affiliate links. There is a little bit of a problem with quora. Quora does not like affiliate links. So what i recommend you to do. Is you simply write a very very detailed article. That is going to give people value. And help people to solve their problems. Then from that article, you simply link them to your affiliate link. Or you build a landing page where you’re going to collect emails.

So you’re gonna write an answer that’s obviously longer than other’s answer. And then you’re going to direct the traffic instead of straight up to an affiliate link. You’re going to direct the traffic straight up to this landing page. Or an article that you’ve written on a free blogger website or whatever.So, if you get the idea, you simply send the traffic from quora to there. And then when people enter their name and email, your autoresponder tool collects the emails. Then you can actually send them the affiliate link or whatever you’re promoting through emails. You’re getting the traffic from people who are literally asking questions. So you simply direct your traffic to your landing page. If you put an affiliate link on quora, you are not going to get any traffic. Because quora is going to take down your answer and it’s going to be pointless.

So, quora is great traffic sources for affiliate marketing. If you use it with the right way, you will get more and more traffic to your link or blog.

2- Engaging With Needful People In Targeted Facebook Groups:

Number two about free traffic sources for affiliate marketing, is engaging with needful targeted people in facebook groups. Let me say you’re promoting a weight loss product. And you’re trying to promote your affiliate link to get people to buy the weight loss product through your affiliate link. What you are going to do is to see everybody who is new to the group. So what you’re going to want to do is add these people as your friends. Then open up their profiles and send them a message. Be like “Hey, I saw you are a member of the facebook group that’s about … I am a member too remember and i just felt that sinc you’re new to the group. I should connect with you …….” .

So, you can write a friendly message like this. Because what I see, most people come there. They write a long message and they put the affiliate links. When you do stuff like that, people might actually click on your link. But when they click on your link, they wouldn’t buy. Because they don’t trust what they are buying. So, what’s gonna happen, when you take this approach is that. These people are gonna become your friends. And start chat with them for about two days. Then introduce them to a product. Tell them that the product worked for You. Tell them the benefits and if the product has a money back guarantee that will help boost trust.

That’s one advantage with clickbank. Clickbank has a 100 money back guarantee. So people can get their money back. When you tell people that they can get their money back. They are going to trust you more. And they’re going to want to buy that product. Most times it’s going to be through your affiliate link. Because you’re going to convince them to use your affiliate link. Just try to make them your friends instead of selling to someone. Try to make the person your friends right just take like three days to five days. Make the person your friend. Chat to the person.

3- Publishing SEO Content On YouTube:

One of the very powerful traffic sources for affiliate marketing, is publishing seo content on youtube. What you’re going to do is create videos. If you do not want to show your face, you can actually use it tool called obs studio. Or you can actually go over to fiverr and hire a video animators to make animated videos for you.

That way you can actually upload the video to youtube and do seo for the video. And make videos based on what people whom are gonna be looking to use your affiliate program. Whatever affiliate product you’re promoting. Make videos targeting people who are going to be looking to use a product. Let me say you’re trying to promote a weight loss product. You’re going to make videos about how to lose weight, weight loss tactics, weight loss diet, stuff like that.

When people are searching, they’re going to be finding your videos. And in your videos, you’re going to be sending them to a landing page. Or you are going to be sending them directly to your affiliate link.

4- Takiing Advantage Of Ranking Power On Google:

This traffic source is the king of them all. It is about taking advantage of medium ranking power on google. Like we know billions of people every single day typing stuff on google. For example, when someone needs to buy a weight loss supplement, they come over to google. They type in “Best weight loss pills”. And when they type that, they are gonna see a bunch of articles from a lot of big websites that are ranking on the first page.

So, what we’re going to do is using a strong website that can actually completely compete with all these websites. Medium is a place where you can publish articles for free. So all you’re gonna need to do, is to find low competition keywords and write very, very good articles for them.

If you want more details about how to use medium to get more traffic to your website or landing page, you can leave a comment under this article. And we will make very detailed article about it.

That’s actually the fourth traffic system, that’s the most powerful one. If you enjoyed this article, make sure you join our newsletter and share the article.

So, if you want to start with affiliate marketing. And you want get free traffic. These free traffic sources for affiliate marketing that i used on my business.



Salah Esnan
Salah Esnan

Written by Salah Esnan

I am a digital marketing expert that can help boost sales revenue online and drive more leads to your business.

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