Today, we will talk about the best Amazon FBA product research tools in the business. If you are a new seller on amazon fba. I recommend that, before you choose between these best amazon fba product research tools, I recommend to read this article before. Amazon FBA For Beginners-[2020 FULL Guide]-Amazon FBA


First tool from Best Amazon FBA Product Research Tools is AMZScout. I think AMZScout could actually be the best character out of the latter. And let me show you why. First of all, if we look at the stats.

  • Accuracy — 4.5
  • Features — 4.5
  • User experience — 4.5
  • Affordability — 4.5

They are I wouldn’t say a cheap alternative here, but they’re also not the most expensive. So to explain these stats more, let me show you an on Amazon example.

So here we are on Amazon. We’ve just typed in our keyword here. And we can bring up the AMZScout extension.

You can see when we bring it up, we’ve got all these columns. And then here at the top, we have our averages for the full market. Something I like to look closely at is the saturation score. And this is something that I don’t think any of your character, Seth, actually possess.

We also have a niche score here of 8, which is very good.

And then the niche history.

And then what we can do is look at the individual products on this page. If we hover over it, the images come up. And then we can also click an arrow on the left-hand side for any of these products.

Say I want to save this one, I can add it to my AMZScout product tracker.

We also have profit calculator. I can calculate the actual profit for this item as well.

We have product history.

We can also get the keywords for this individual product if we want. Almost like a reverse ASIN within the tool.

And this mustn’t be confused with niche keywords at the top. Here, we can get keywords for this whole group of products that we’re busy looking at.

And we can also get trends for this niche.

If we want to personalize view. I like to turn these four off over. I turn these four columns off.

And the reason I do that, is it brings together our price, sales, and reviews.

And these are the three I really want to compare. I want to see with 95 reviews. How many sales are they doing a month at what price. And this is how you can establish. Is this a market you could enter easily or not?

So overall, this tool really shows a lot of metrics for the market. This, in my opinion, is the best chrome extension out of the lot. This is why I think AMZScout is probably the best of all the characters here. And I don’t see how any of yours are possibly going to beat this.

Helium 10:

The second tool from Best Amazon FBA Product Research Tools is Helium 10. When you’re comparing the stats.

  • Accuracy — 4.5 ( Helium 10 scores higher).
  • Features — 5 ( Helium 10 scores higher).
  • User experience — 5 ( again Helium 10 scores higher).
  • Affordability — 1

The one area where it scores lower than AMZScout is affordability. But I must ask. Is that because the value is worth that higher price?

Now, I will admit the affordability is a little bit more difficult. because for $97 a month, you don’t get all that much. And there are tools out there much lower cost like $37 or $47 a month.

So even their starting price is quite expensive. Now if I go all the way up to the highest price.

It is just under half a thousand a month. So this is the big disadvantage with Helium 10. Having said that, here is my question. Can we justify it? Well, let’s find out. I’m going to start by searching “wall mounted infrared thermometer”

And i’m going to come up here, and click the little Helium 10 icon.

Then “X-ray Amazon Product Research”.

Here’s what I like about this tool. The usability.

I can quickly at a glance see the revenue over the last 30 days.

The number of sales over the last 30 days.

What the FBA fee is.

What the price is.

Wait a minute, is this a good price product? We talk a lot about doing higher price products. Well, the average price is $78.23 — definitely qualifies.

What about if there is brand dominance? Maybe one brand is dominating the majority of the listings. Well, I can quickly find that out by scrolling and seeing all the brands. As well as the ASINs. As well as which ones are sponsored listings versus organic.

Even the category.

And i actually took the time to count and in some situations, 100 listings show up before even having to hit “Load More Results”. Which tells me their server are pretty badass. I also like the fact that I can see the total revenue for a month.

What matters most is how much money am I going to make?. If I know the revenue and I know the cost. I can quickly ascertain, “Is this a potential product?”

They even give me the average number of reviews per listing. 74 is quite low. Already, this is qualifying for one of the ease of entry standards. We use to ensure that this is a high potential product.

I will admit, if you were to add up the specific star rating from the stats. AMZScout scores higher.

But the question remains. Because the accuracy, features and the user experience all score higher individually than AMZScout. Could we argue that the affordability being low is worth it?

Jungle Scout:

The third tool from Best Amazon FBA Product Research Tools is Jungle Scout. Let’s check out this character:

  • Accuracy — 4
  • Features — 4
  • User experience — 3.5
  • Affordability — 2.5

Affordability definitely better than Helium 10 on affordability. But let me show you why it gets these scores. So here on Amazon, again, we’ve just put in our keyword.

We’re gonna bring up the Jungle Scout. And you can see the Chrome extension.

The first thing it gives you is averages at the top. You can see the Average Monthly Sales. So most of them are doing over 300. Average Sales Rank, Average Price which is important if you’re following a certain price strategy.

Average Reviews. This actually looks very good for this market. And then Opportunity Score. This puts multiple metrics together. And gives you back a simple score out of 10. 10 being the best as to how good of an opportunity this niche is.

Then we can see each individual offering here.

We can see the brand. Which is of course important for looking at brand dominance. We don’t want to be competing with all the big brands. We have price.

Monthly sales.

Daily sales.


The date it was first available.

The net margin.

And reviews.

And then a few others including listing quality score.

Which can be important. Sometimes you can make the best listing in a market. And this can give you that opportunity. You can also adjust any of this from this menu.

What if we want to bring our reviews. We really want to compare price, sales, reviews. Then we can remove some of any options. For example, the date first available. The net. And the monthly revenue.

So overall, that’s why Jungle Scout has those scores. Very solid tool. Probably the most well-known or the longest standing tool in the space. Every new seller knows about Jungle Scout.


The fourth tool from Best Amazon FBA Product Research Tools is Amazeowl. Lets check it:

  • Accuracy — 4
  • Features — 4
  • User Experience — 3
  • Affordability — 5

So if I’m just to add up the stats based on this video game, AmazeOwl wins the day.

However, let’s look and see how accurate this really is. So I’m gonna go to under “Hunt For Products”.

I’m gonna click on “Hunt By Keyword”

And I’m going to hunt for “wall-mounted infrared thermometer”. Let’s see what this does.

We have a potential.

I’m going to click this little 2 with the green square around it. And there we have our first potential product.

Let me hit “Save”. And now let’s go back to the Dashboard. Let’s go a little deeper. So here we have this infrared thermometer.

I’m going to click “Track This Product”. So if I just start typing in “infrared”.

I can add any keyword from the list. This is cool so I can actually track this product. Not so much based on the product itself. But more of a niche. So far this seems a little more in-depth than Jungle Scout.

Unless you consider an investment in your patients. The speed of this tool is definitely wanting.

All right, now that the information has loaded. I can see the global search volume.

Click and go to Google Trends, which is really quick.

Then I do like this because I can see how these spiked recently with what happened with COVID. But we also can see it’s starting to drop down.

I can quickly see how many top competitors there are. It might seem high but this is for four different keywords.

So understandably, we’re gonna have a larger number of competitors. I can see the median reviews.

So if i was to line up all 44 competitors from the least reviews to the most. Now i can see the middle one which is 1053. And of course, I can also see the median price.

Alos the daily sales and the revenue.

What I like about it is this is giving me a holistic all-inclusive understanding of a niche. Not just a product but a niche. So in other words, instead of looking at individual listings. I’m looking at the top listings for the top four keywords.

So it’s a little more of a holistic approach. But if I want to go to the listings. I can still do that by clicking on competitors and reports.

Go through and look at each and every one of these listings. See their BSR. Like this one is 18 which is amazing. I can see their daily sales of 71. I can see their daily revenue of 2100.

As they go through, even their price as it’s changed. You can see for all of these. See how the price has gone down. That indicates a price war going on. Because there was so much competition that came out when COVID came out with this particular product. So this gives me a very holistic overview which I do like.

Thanks for reading, if you like this article we hope you join our mail list to be updated with the most recent tools and news about how you can make money online.

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Salah Esnan
Salah Esnan

Written by Salah Esnan

I am a digital marketing expert that can help boost sales revenue online and drive more leads to your business.

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